About High Arte™ One-Stop-Shop
Los Angeles
High Arte, located in West Hollywood since 2007, is a Los Angeles One-Stop-Shop offering Marketing, Graphic, Web and Mobile Application Design and Development, for the purpose of — quite simply — making our clients visible, creditable and, most of all, profitable.
Since we custom design everything we do, whether it’s a logo, a website, a mobile app for a new company or the redesign of an existing Ecommerce website, the size of the company is not what’s important.
What is important is our objective: to help our clients develop a responsive, 21st Century brand. A brand that’s appropriate, a brand that may provide an Ecommerce presence with a results-oriented, on-line marketing and communication strategy focusing on the long-term success of their business in an ever-evolving mobile environment.
And while creative minds and cutting-edge technologies are essential, what is equally, if not more important, is the ability…
- To listen – to hear and understand – the client’s needs and expectations and
- To aggressively monitor the every-changing dynamics of today’s marketplace.
Only with the knowledge and understanding that comes with a clear appreciation of both the client’s needs and the current marketplace can an effective, integrated marketing strategy be developed.
Our Approach
Unlike the large marketing and design firms that maintain staffs of graphic, Web and APP designers, programmers project managers, etc., we keep ourselves nimble – tailoring our staff to meet the needs of each project.
This allows us to employ the right person for the job, which keeps our product fresh, unique and client specific, our overhead down and our prices competitive.
The “High” in High Arte
We believe in continuity of service, so we don’t use multiple project managers or account executives; there is only Bolen High, the founder and creative director of High Arte.
Mr. High, regardless of the project’s size, works with every client from concept through execution – guaranteeing the project’s end result will wind up – with a minimum of stress – exactly as it was intended.