High Arte™ Custom Pricing Structure
Unlike the large marketing and design firms that maintain staffs of graphic, web and mobile app designers and developers, copywriters, Internet marketers, programmers and project managers, we work with only those individuals that meet the needs of each project. Likewise, our fees are based on those specific requirements. Why pay for something you don’t need or for someone who doesn’t have the appropriate skills?
So, taking a client-centric approach, we offer the following:
Fixed Price
Clients with a fixed budget and whose project is clearly defined are recommended to use this model.
Based on an evaluation of the client’s service requirements, time frame and materials (photography, copywriting, editing, video, music, etc.), we prepare a detailed “Description of Services” listing all the agreed-upon elements necessary for the project’s completion. All assets to be used in the project, provided by outside vendors such as stock photography, copywriting or specialized development requirements, are billed at cost plus 15% and, when required, sales tax is included.
Should the parameters of the project change, either those modified aspects will be renegotiated or the “Time and Materials” model will take effect.
Since each project is unique, the payment schedule is determined at the time the Descriptions of Services is presented to the client.
Time & Materials
For those clients whose project is without clear parameters or is in development, our time and materials model is recommended. With it, all project fees are quoted on an hourly basis with a one hour minimum and in 30-minute increments thereafter.
All assets to be used in the project, provided by outside vendors, such as stock photography, copywriting or specialized development requirements, are billed at cost plus 15% and, when required, sales tax is included.
We believe in a transparent monitoring of the project’s cost. Therefore, all project time sheets are signed off by both High Arte and the client. In addition, reports that monitor the project’s progress are updated on a weekly basis and are provided to the client on line.
A retainer is required, based on the scope of the project, and accrued charges are billed weekly.